

Example AM02:

2c 1868 “-p” G6 with a few small spots in some areas on both sides. The D is GOD is stronger than the other letters of IN GOD and TRUST. The reverse probably grades a full VG.


Date position is centered and a little high.
Center of the ball is over the space between 68, closer to the 8.
The top of the 8 is closesr to the ball than the 6.
The bottom of the last 8 is closer to the top of the denticles than the first 1.

Other diagnostics:

A vertical line can be seen inside the last 8. Except on this example it is not visible. There is a die line in the field under where the right leg of the W would be. It is shown as a drawn in line on the closeup picture to show where it would be because it isn’t clear on this coin. To the left of that die line are two almost parallel die scratches in the space below the left banner, these are clear.

The reverse has the top serif of the D missing completely.
Other diagnostics: The reverse crack through the UN just below their tops then goes up to follow the tops of ITE until the crack then curves up to the rim over the left upright of the D. Then another crack descends through TES and out into the field to the right. This reverse matches the description for Rev. P in the Kliman book and will probably be die linked to that variety.

Die Stage:
In a Early to Mid Die Stage with some of the reverse cracks, but not as many as develop later. In later die stages cracks involve most of the elements around the reverse’s periphery.

Scarcity: A half dozen or so examples have been found by the collector during 35+ years of looking, which make this variety not easy to find but one will show up after a while, so it is not common but fairly scarce.

General comments: As mentioned other die stages get quite a few reverse cracks so buying a few of this variety in different stages of the die’s lives would make an interesting set.

Footnote: Kliman book refers to “The Two Cent Piece And Varieties, by Myron M. Kliman”, Published by Kliman, 1977.